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Bergabung dengan Kami

Tim kami hangat, beragam, dan efektif. Kami ingin bersama-sama mengatasi perubahan iklim melalui pendidikan.


Hai, kamu! Semoga harimu menyenangkan :)

You will write and review original scientific content to be published on our social media account @climate_science, read lots, and have discussions with the content and art team! Your contributions will be credited in our platform, while you get the scope to work on exciting educational projects to provide impactful resources for learners :)


A candidate for this role should ideally have:

  • Degree in Education, Science Communication or any Science discipline (climate-related is preferred)
  • Strong interest and passion for climate education
  • Exceptional ability to communicate complex things concisely
  • Weekly 5-10 hrs availability

Cara mendaftar

If you think you are a good fit for this role, please send a mail to In the mail, please include:

  • Your CV
  • A pdf containing the completed version of this trial task
  • Elaboration of your background, interests and motivation to contribute in ClimateScience’s mission

We’re looking forward to hearing from you! :)

You will create scientifically accurate case studies to be used in the ClimateScience Olympiad platform. You read lots and develop scientifically solvable problems based on the climatic changes happening around the world. Meanwhile you get the chance to work alongside a supportive global team to provide impactful climate education :)


A candidate for this role should ideally have:

  • Degree in Education, Science Communication or any Science discipline (climate-related is preferred)
  • strong interest and passion for climate education
  • Exceptional ability to communicate complex things concisely
  • Weekly 5-10 hrs availability

Cara mendaftar

If you think you are a good fit for this role, please send a mail to In the mail, please include:

  • Your CV
  • A pdf containing the completed version of this trial task
  • Elaboration of your background, interests and motivation to contribute in ClimateScience’s mission

We’re looking forward to hearing from you! :)

Help review our “Personal Action” climate course. This course highlights the importance and impact of personal action in tackling climate change. We’re looking for experts in this field to review and relay feedback and suggestions to our content team, ensuring our resources stay reliable, up to date and accessible for everyone.


A candidate for this role should ideally have:

  • Postgraduate degree in Climate, Education or Science Communication. Topics connecting to personal carbon budget/impact of personal action are highly preferred.
  • Strong interest and passion for climate education
  • Exceptional research skills
  • Weekly 5-10 hrs availability

Cara mendaftar

If you think you are a good fit for this role, please send a mail to In the mail, please include:

  • Your CV or Resume highlighting your educational background
  • Elaboration of your experiences, interests and motivation to contribute in ClimateScience’s mission

We’re looking forward to hearing from you! :)

Help review our “Undo Climate Change'' course. The course highlights the scientific aspects of carbon removal technologies, the barriers to implementation as well as the potential for mitigation. We’re looking for experts in this field to review and relay feedback and suggestions to our content team, ensuring our resources stay reliable, up to date and accessible for everyone.


A candidate for this role should ideally have:

  • Postgraduate degree in Climate-tech, Carbon removal technologies or similar scientific field. Topics connecting to tech-based climate solutions/reversing the effects of climate change are highly preferred.
  • Strong interest and passion for climate education
  • Exceptional research skills
  • Weekly 5-10 hrs availability

Cara mendaftar

If you think you are a good fit for this role, please send a mail to In the mail, please include:

  • Your CV or Resume highlighting your educational background
  • Elaboration of your experiences, interests and motivation to contribute in ClimateScience’s mission

We’re looking forward to hearing from you! :)

You will design and illustrate posts, user interfaces and/or animations to be used across all ClimateScience platforms. Meanwhile you get to work with a robust and friendly community by staying active in our communication platforms :)


A candidate for this role should ideally have:

  • Experience and knowledge of digital art tools
  • Weekly minimum 5 hrs availability

Cara mendaftar

If you think you are a good fit for this role, please send a mail to In the mail, please include:

  • Your CV and/or previous work examples
  • Link to a google drive folder containing the completed files of this trial task. Please make sure the folder visibility is set to public
  • Elaboration of your background and motivation to contribute in ClimateScience’s work

We’re looking forward to hearing from you! :)

Anda akan berkontribusi pada misi kami untuk membuat konten ClimateScience dapat diakses secara global. Tanggung jawabnya termasuk menerjemahkan kursus, subtitle, buku, dan lainnya dari bahasa Inggris ke bahasa ibu Anda. Akurasi, nada, dan pelestarian makna sangat penting. Berkolaborasi dengan penerjemah lain dan anggota tim untuk menghasilkan terjemahan yang konsisten dan berkualitas


A candidate for this role should ideally have:

  • Kefasihan dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa ibu Anda
  • Keterampilan komunikasi tertulis yang sangat baik dalam kedua bahasa

Cara mendaftar

If you think you are a good fit for this role, please send a mail to In the mail, please include:

  • Pengalaman ekstrakurikuler dan latar belakang pendidikan Anda sebelumnya (CV lebih disukai tetapi tidak wajib)
  • Tautkan ke folder Google Drive yang berisi file yang telah diselesaikan dari tugas uji coba ini. Pastikan visibilitas folder diatur ke publik
  • Penjelasan latar belakang dan motivasi Anda untuk berkontribusi pada pekerjaan ClimateScience

We’re looking forward to hearing from you! :)

Jika kamu tidak menemukan apa yang kamu cari, tulis email ke dan beri tahu kami bagaimana kamu mau berkontribusi!


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